Need Help? Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 - Veterans Press 1
We do not rise to the level of our knowledge, we fall to the level of our training
This virtual training was presented at the monthly meeting of VIB (Veterans in Business) and contains veteran specific statistics and strategies for suicide prevention in the community.
RUN TIME | 40 minutes
Watch the webinar presented on April 2, 2020 in partnership with Cohen Military Family Clinic. During this unique time in history, we continue to work on dynamic ways to educate the community in suicide prevention. This video is approximately 40 minutes.
RUN TIME | 1 hour
Ask About Suicide to Save a Life is a workshop designed by Texas Suicide Prevention Council. The program provides participants with an overview of the basic epidemiology of suicide and suicidal behavior, including risk and protective factors. Participants are trained to respond to someone expressing direct suicidal communication by seeking emergency care. Participants are also trained to gather more information about a person's risk and take action consistent with that risk if they identify a person who is no acutely suicidal.
RUN TIME | 5 minutes
Utah Firearm Suicide Prevention Training Video. A short training on the importance of securing access to the most lethal means of all.
RUN TIME | 1.5 hours
This presentation was conducted as part of Freedom Day 2020 and hosted by Communities Foundation of North Texas for Business. Each year CFT4B has enlisted their member companies to join together and impact the community to volunteering and donating to local non-profits. This year, Stop One Suicide along with Military Veteran Peer Network, gave participants the opportunity to view clips from "The S Word" documentary, and begin the conversation on suicide awareness, leading to suicide prevention.
Currently, on site and face-to-face trainings have been suspended at the Dallas Veterans Resource Center. We're utilizing technology (ZOOM and Facebook Live) to continue educating in suicide prevention.
VIRTUAL via: Cohen Military Veteran Family Clinic
First Aiders will complete a 2-hour, self-paced class, and then participate in a 4.5 to 5.5-hour, Instructo...
VIRTUAL via: Cohen Military Veteran Family Clinic
Course Approximately 1.5 Hours Depending on Group size
A community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide...
Course Approximately 1.5 Hours Depending on Group size
Course Approximately 2 hours depending on Group size
AS+K? About Suicide To Save A Life (Basic) provides participants with an overview of the basic epidemiology of suicide and suicidal behavior...
Course Approximately 2 hours depending on Group size
Course Approximately 2 hours depending on Group size
It’s estimated that one out of every two people in a given congregation has personally been impacted by suicide. To address the need for sui...
Course Approximately 2 hours depending on Group size
Course Approximately 2 hours depending on Group size
Military Veteran Peer Network offers this course in Moral Injury for individuals seeking to learn more on the impact of war and trauma in se...
Course Approximately 2 hours depending on Group size
Veterans Resource Center | 4900 S Lancaster Rd | Dallas TX 75216
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We're here to help you recognize suicidal thoughts and respond before it's too late