Need Help? Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 - Veterans Press 1
You've heard the term.
Military training teaches the concept "to accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable." Choosing life over suicide can feel like an insurmountable challenge you are ill-equipped to climb.
We're here to help you find resources (training and assistance) for the mental health mountains ahead.
Whether the attempt was yesterday or or in your youth - seeing suicide as an option for dealing with pain is one that many have faced. But if you are here and reading this YOU are a survivor.
You have taken the first step on the stairway to holding on, you CAN do this.
Now Matters Now offers video training skills utilizing Dialectical Behavior Therapy, proven to be helpful for people considering suicide. The site is also helpful for family and friends.
This short documentary highlights the need for the voice of lived experience in the role of suicide prevention.
After surviving an attempt to end his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, Kevin Hines dedicated himself to help other's find ways to #BeHereTomorrow.
His YouTube channel has over 300 inspiring and educational videos for help and hope in navigating the waters of mental health and wellness.
Professional sports executive and founder, Eric Kussin, fell into severe depression for over two years. Once he found a way back to mental wellness, much like Kevin Hines, he committed to helping others and changing the global conversation through mental health advocacy. The video shows how to develop a safety plan to stay alive.
There's more information available to download and share
Veterans Resource Center | 4900 S Lancaster Rd | Dallas TX 75216
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We're here to help you recognize suicidal thoughts and respond before it's too late