Need Help? Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 - Veterans Press 1
Being engaged is the first step to #StopOne
The phone rings, on the other end of the line a distraught caller, heavy-hearted and in crisis. Would you know what to say? Would you know the next steps to take for suicide prevention ?
When a call just like this came in to the Veterans Resource Center, the gap of information, education and adequacy for the situation was exposed. Change was needed, and immediate actions implemented.
Suicide rarely happens without someone related to the individual knowing "something wasn't right."
Only 34 people are known to have survived a jump from the Golden Gate Bridge. One, is Kevin Hines, who shares his story to educate on the important role others can play when a person is experiencing suicidal thoughts. "If just ONE person would have asked me how I was doing, I would not have jumped."
YOU can be the one to #StopOne
It's that simple to make a difference. Knowing the right thing to say can mean the difference between life and death
Cause-based Rotary eClub
Promoting collaboration, advocacy, awareness, understanding and education. Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays via Zoom 7:00pm CST
We're here to educate the community. Whether you have a small group of friends interested or an employer looking to make a positive influence in prevention. Check out the topics available both virtually and online.
Suicidal ideation is thinking that brings people to take their own lives. Here are a few critical things to understand about the thoughts and intervention
This informational video explains effective treatments that focus directly on suicidal thoughts and behaviors
Kevin Hines survived an attempt off the Golden Gate Bridge. In this short video he shares a portion of his story.
This video is part of #SWordStories, created for use with the documentary The S Word. In this 3-part conversation, psychologists Eduardo Vega and Craig Bryan, and mental health advocate Leah Harris, share how to respond to someone who is suicidal.
Knowing the warning signs is one of the first steps to suicide prevention. Understanding the issues concerning suicide and mental health is an important way to take part in suicide prevention, help others in crisis, and change the conversation around suicide
If you think someone is contemplating suicide, assume you are the only one who will reach out. Here's how to talk with someone in crisis. In a short period of time, you'll discover suicide prevention resources are easily accessed.
Are you ready to learn more about Suicide Prevention?
Veterans Resource Center | 4900 S Lancaster Rd | Dallas TX 75216
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We're here to help you recognize suicidal thoughts and respond before it's too late